Sarah’s New Job

To keep harmony in the family, Sarah decided to try out the job her cousin recommended. It seemed like a wholesome place to work. Sarah was beguiled by the sweet elderly customers in the fabric shop. They were very entrenched in their domestic lives. It was a different world than Sarah knew.

Sarah was convinced that the women were all above board with their dealings in the store. Her cousin decided to not provide any spoilers about some of the shady women. She hoped Sarah could figure it out for herself. On one occasion, Sarah’s cousin had to tell her to hush up when one woman decided to nip a button card and hide it in her purse. They often let her get away with little indiscretions. The same woman was later caught with a purse full of stolen notions. When the strap on her purse broke, everything flopped onto the floor exposing her thievery. The thieving woman exasperated the situation by claiming someone else shoved the items in her purse. It was at that precise moment that Sarah decided this job was not for her either. It was time to enhance her resume once again.

#EM-RWP – harmony, exacerbate
Rag Tag Daily Prompt – wholesome, hush
FOWC – beguiled, shady, enhance
The Daily Spur – domestic, strap
#MVB-PROMPT – spoilers
#TTC – nip, flop
Word of the Day – occasion
Your Daily Word Prompt – precise

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