My Special Garden

It was not a precipitous decision. I had been patiently planning for months how to create my new garden. I knew the elders would not approve. They believed there was terrible juju in the special seeds I used.

My prior garden was incredibly beautiful to me. I worked daily pruning and fertilizing my unique plants. One day, I slipped up and showed my garden to an elder. I intuitively knew, by the look on her face, that I had made a mistake. She gathered the coven, and the controversy began. In the end, they declared that I was forbidden to ever use my special seeds again.

I snuck out one day, to the cave of magic spells. Inflation had caused the price of the particular seeds I needed, to skyrocket, but I didn’t care. I was determined to fill my garden with magical happiness flowers. I bundled up the seeds and fertilizer in a towel and schlepped back home.

Hopefully, by the time the elders see my plants, they will be fully effective. I’ve been assured that one sniff of the beautiful plants will immediately make a person feel complete happiness. That should keep me out of trouble.

Image by Syaibatul Hamdi from Pixabay

Written for these prompts: Your Daily Word Prompt, Word of the Day Challenge, FOWC,  The Daily Spur, Three Things Challenge, Eugi’s Weekly Prompt

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