SoCS – Why?

Linda is our hostess with the mostest. She has come up with yet another fun SoCS  challenge for today.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is to start with the word why.

Why do people run lights and put other’s lives in danger?

Why do wealthy white men think they should dictate what women do with their bodies?

Why do parents think it is more important to be a friend to thier children than to teach them responsibilities?

Why does a pedicure at a salon make me feel so refreshed and joyful?

Why are all my favorite treats not good for me?

Why is it 91 F at 8:30 in the morning? Where is the global thermostat so I can turn it down?

Why is it that retirement keeps me so busy?

Why do doctors keep finding more ailments in my body?

Why is it that the golf course is still watering the grounds and not savimg our precious water?

Why do the ants love to come in my house when it gets hot outside?

Why does my chin keep sprouting?

Why does Annie not understand that I don’t want her chasing her toys in the extreme heat?

Why does the high school below my house have a practice fire drill in 103 degree heat?

Why can’t I just toss out items in a junk drawer instead of needing to go through it?

Why can’t I burn off pounds as quickly as I add them?

Why does this extreme heat wear me down so much?

Why does every new med have side effects?

Why is my insomnia even worse in the heat?

Why is it so difficult to keep my brain functioning when my body is worn out?

Why doesn’t everyone who can, get vaccinated, do it?

17 thoughts on “SoCS – Why?

  1. You are not alone. I could relate to many of these. Never imagined I’d be so busy in retirement. It’s like time has started speeding up or something. Ants have been coming inside more this summer than ever before. I used to take secret pride in the heat not bothering me. That is no longer the case. It wears me out now. And my chin sprouts are growing faster.

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