What Do You See?

Sadje is our hostess for What Do You See? 

Image credit; Andrea Piacquad Pexels

For the visually challenged reader, this image shows a young woman with her hands covering the eyes of an older woman, sitting in front of her. Both women seem happy.

Losing the love of her life after 50 years, was devastating to Stephanie. She was determined to move into the next phase of her life with grace. Stephanie had adjusted well to her new assisted living apartment. They had a wonderfully well stocked library, freshly baked homemade chocolate chip cookies every afternoon, and an excellent reform rabbi every Friday evening. She was making friends and even found a mahjong group to join. The one thing she worried about was the ability of her family to come visit her.

Sunday afternoon, while sitting in the library enjoying a new novel, the familiar fragrance her great-granddaughter wore, wafted to her nostrils. Two soft gentle hands covered her eyes. She smiled, confidant that she knew who her surprise visitor was. As soon as Rachael spoke, “Guess who?” both women cried with joy.

The first of many visits.


20 thoughts on “What Do You See?

  1. Touching story, Lauren, is one we can all identify with in our own lives.
    I have an elderly friend (95) that had to be placed in assisted living
    during the pandemic (dementia) Her children told me she felt abandoned. 🙁
    Those isolating pandemic years feel empty. I love the way this
    story unfolded. Nicely written … Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

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