Rory’s Question Fun – S4 – G 4

Rory’s questions today looked fun. I do love questions.  So here goes.

1. Are you happy with all your body parts? Heck no. My body has turned against me.  If I had the option of keeping the exact same body but being pain free, I would take it over the perfect body with my pain.

2. What is the worst song ever? Anything by Soupy Sales. 

3. What’s the strangest culinary thing you have ever done with a bowl of fruit? I tried to draw an abstract painting of a bowl of fruit once. Awful, is the only word that comes to mine.

4. What’s the sauciest/naughtiest thing you have ever done with whipped cream? Exactly what everyone does with it. 🙂

5. Okay, you have been tasked with inviting 7 famous yet dead people to your dinner party – who is on your list and more importantly why those 7? John Lennon & George Harrison because, well who wouldn’t like to talk to them. Einstein, because of his great mind and curious personality. Janis Joplin, because her music has been a joy to me. Lauren Bacall because of her class and talent. Hedy Lamarr because of her talent, brains, and beauty. Maya Angelou because her work has brought me so much joy. 

6. What goes up but never down until it stops? Your age of course.

7, If l have a head, a foot and four legs what am l? A bed

6 thoughts on “Rory’s Question Fun – S4 – G 4

  1. Well done Teach!!

    Age is the correct answer, bed is too, although you are the only one to have gotten Age right.

    Good dinner party guests also.

    What’s the sauciest/naughtiest thing you have ever done with whipped cream? Exactly what everyone does with it. Mmmm , nope you lost me here hahaha!

    Liked by 1 person

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