Fibbing Friday – Signs


Di over at Pensivity101 is our host this week for Fibbing Friday. She alternates with Frank. Today’s Fibbing Friday is a little different. We are to read the truthful sign and make up an alternative meaning.  

1. Windy roads.. this is actually a hospital sign for the colonoscopy department 

2.  T junction with left priority.. this is actually a hospital sign for the X-ray department 

3. Roadworks/ Men at work..this is actually a hospital sign for the cafeteria 

4.  Road narrows (both sides)..this is actually a hospital sign for the OB/GYN department  

5. No footpath… this is actually a hospital sign for the pediatrics department 

6. Headphones in use, might not hear approaching traffic (not sure if this is legit actually) ..this sign is actually a hospital sign for the audiology department 

7. Humps in road..this is actually a hospital sign for the reconstructive surgery department 

8. No explosives.. this sign is actually a hospital sign for the emergency department 

9. Gradient.. this is actually a hospital sign for the  pharmacy department 

10.  EU sign for pedestrian crossing… this is actually a hospital sign for the outpatient department