dVerse Poetry – Celebrating the Eleventh Anniversary of dVerse

You protect me, just as I protect you
You are my steadfast companion, as I am for you
You keep me warm on chilly nights, which I can do for you
You rely on me for sustenance, happily I need not rely on you
You have an unrelenting requirement for playtime, which keeps me active
You wake joyfully every morning, which reminds me to try to do the same
You are my very best cuddle companion, which I believe I am for you
You stare at me in the tub, horrified that I might give you a bath
I know that technically I rescued you, but daily you rescue me
You comfort me when my heart is hurting, I am very grateful
You give me unconditional love, as I do you

Grace is today’s host of dVerse’ Meet The Bar/Poetry Form.  Grace says:
So, in today’s writing challenge, I offer you a choice of writing an 11-line stanza poem:

1. Eleventh Power (following the elements as described above)
2. List Poem    (free association, no syllabic or rhyme scheme to follow)

You can pen more than one 11-line stanza in your poem.  Cheers!!!!