SoCS – January 4, 2020

Linds brings us SoCs. Check out her site to see all the rules and to view other’s entries.



Linda Hill’s stream of consciousness makes my Saturday blog different than my norm.              

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “ow.” Use it any way you’d like in your post. Have fun!

As is my usual goal I attempt to join my blog topic with her parameters.

I wondered how I was going to get everything I needed done yesterday. I was double booked on a few things so I made every effort to complete all my tasks.  I had my acupuncture and chiropractor appointments early in the morning. My doctor had been a no show the day before as he returned from his vacation very ill. He was a little better, but I was hoping not to catch his cold. Upon leaving I wrote down the date for my next appointment. Then I wondered if insurance starts over in the calendar year or the school year. Either way, I was grateful for leaving their office feeling much better than when I went in.

After two hours of working on my physical well being I came home to a call with my mentor to work on my spiritual well being. The notes I was taking were tear inducing.  I know this is a part of my growth. I have been working long and hard to make healthy changes. I am grateful I am beginning this year so very far ahead of where I was last January. 

After my phone conversation I debated going out to see my aunt. I wasn’t sure if she would have already had lunch so I decided to do some chores and wait to visit her another day. I traveled a long distance to my favorite bagel hang out, but sadly, they had no bagel dogs. I wondered how come they never make enough bagel dogs. I assume because they make everything fresh, they strive for no leftovers. Maybe I should have been grateful they didn’t have my favortie splurge. I am confidant the calorie count is extremely high.

While driving, my daughter called and asked if she and the Zs could spend the night Sunday. She needs me to take her for a medical procedure on Monday. Of course, I agreed to do so. I am grateful I can be of help to my family.

Moments after talking to her, Z1 called and wanted to know if he could come out and get my car transferred to his name. I am gifting him my very old car as he will be 16 in a few days. We agreed to meet at my house and then off to AAA to transfer ownership. I was surprised at how easy the whole process was. I filled out some paperwork  to complete the transaction. Because we are direct family members it was only 15 dollars for the transfer. I am grateful that I was able to do this for my grandson.  He showed his appreciation with a hug and a hearfelt, “Thank you Nana.”  

It was time for linner (lunch/dinner) after they left. I had a quick bite to eat and then had a glorious conversation with my dear friend. We caught up with each other’s lives. I am grateful for the emotional connection we share. 

There was still time to play with my dog and watch some shows on Netflix before attempting to sleep. I am grateful for a busy day with growth in many areas. 





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